15 Mar How To Tell If You Have A Termite Problem On Your Holly Springs, NC Property
If there’s one pest that’s notorious for destroying buildings, it’s the termite. Their penchant for eating wood makes termites one of the most devastating local insects. One of the reasons termites can be so destructive is the fact that they are silent destroyers. Typically, home and business owners don’t realize they have termites until significant damage is done. To limit the destruction, learn how to identify the signs of a termite infestation.
Know How To Identify Termites
The first step towards spotting a termite problem is knowing how to identify these pests. It’s not uncommon for individuals to confuse termite swarmers for flying ants. At a distance, they are similar in appearance. But there are a few key differences between termites and ants.
Termites have straight waists, while ants have a more pinched waist. Additionally, termites have straight antennae, and ants have bent ones. Finally, termite wings are the same length, while ant wings have wings of varying lengths.
In nature, termites usually hang out near piles of rotting wood. They feed on cellulose and are essential to the environment. But that doesn’t mean they’re essential to you – termites are even more damaging than ants and put your property in danger.
Keep An Eye Out For These Signs
Unless you see a termite swarmer in your yard, you probably won’t see termites until they’ve caused a laundry list of damage. All of the following are signs of termites in Holly Springs:
- Frass: Termite frass is another word for termite droppings. While some local pests have obvious droppings, termites have droppings that are more difficult to identify. The droppings are black and may look powdery. It’s worth mentioning that only drywood termites tend to leave behind their droppings. Typically, they push the feces out of holes near their nest entrances.
- Tight Doors And Windows: When most people notice their doors and windows get stiff, they assume the humidity is to blame. But you shouldn’t be so quick to dismiss your tight doors and windows. At times, these are effects of termites. These pests produce moisture as they eat and tunnel through wood, and that moisture makes your window and door frames warp.
- Swarmer Sighting: If you see a large group of winged termites in or near your yard, you should be ready to check for termites. A termite swarmer is a group of winged termites looking for a place to settle. When you spot a swarmer, you can bet there’s a termite colony nearby. It could already be on your property, or the colony might be on its way. In any case, it’s a sign you should call the experts.
- Shed Wings: When termites mate, they land and lose their wings. This leaves behind a pile of wings that’s hard to miss. If you spot a pile of wings on your property, you could be looking at the remnants of a swarmer. Termites might not be far away from the pile, and your buildings could be in danger.
Get An Annual Inspection
Without proper training, you can’t be certain your Holly Springs, NC property is free from termites. For this reason, the key to spotting termites early is to have an annual inspection. An expert can come to your property and make sure there are no termites nearby. If they find any signs of activity, the technician can work swiftly to eliminate the pests.
Here at Ready Pest Solutions, our experts are capable of handling all of your pest control needs. When it comes to termites, we know all the tricks needed to identify an infestation. We are locally owned and we offer the most effective and safest pest management. If you don’t want to waste your time and money call us today at Ready Pest Solutions to request a quote.