15 Jun The Trick To Keeping Spiders Out Of Your Holly Springs Home
Spiders give us the creeps. Outdoors, and spiders are beneficial and help to control pests. Once they get inside, however, they are the pests. Spiders are closely related to ticks, mites, and scorpions. They are not insects, but arachnids. Spiders have two body parts: the cephalothorax and the abdomen. The eyes, legs–all eight of them—and mouthparts are on the cephalothorax. Everything else is in or on the abdomen.
There are thousands of species of spiders in the United States. All spiders have venomous bites, but most cannot pierce human skin with their fangs or the poison is so weak it only causes a problem for people who are allergic to it. The most common house spiders in North Carolina are listed below.
- White Sac Spiders (Elaver excepta) are white, with the cephalothorax and legs darker than the abdomen. Some of these spiders have a darker stripe in the middle of the abdomen. These spiders are between 1/4th to 1/2 of an inch long. White sac spiders are aggressive. They can bite and can cause stinging, swelling, and redness. It may cause a blister to form that then ruptures and takes several weeks to heal.
- Brown Recluse Spiders (Loxosceles reclusa) are brown with a darker shaped violin mark on the cephalothorax. The neck of the violin points toward the abdomen. They grow to no more than ½ an inch long. Most of the time, brown recluse bites heal nicely. However, some of the time, they make people very ill. About 3-8 hours after the bite, it begins to swell, turns red, and is tender. A blister over the wound starts to form. Sometimes people will get fever and nausea. Sometimes the blister will have dead tissue in it. This area can expand and require surgery to remove. Brown recluse spiders are nocturnal and hide in things like stored clothing, shoes, and cardboard boxes during the day. They are not common in North Carolina.
- The Parson Spider (Herpyllus ecclesiasticus) is ½ an inch long and varies from brown to black. The cephalothorax is usually chestnut brown, and the abdomen is grayish with a specific pattern in white or pink. The spider is covered in black hair. The bite of the parson spider is painful, but it is only dangerous if you are allergic to it.
- The Carolina Wolf Spider (Hogna carolinensis) is usually found outside but may enter the house in search of food and shelter. It is big, up to 1.37 inches long, and hairy. Carolina wolf spiders are colorful. They have a tan line running the length of their cephalothorax. On either side are brown or black colors with light brown edging. The abdomen has an almond-shaped mark on the upper abdomen with dark chevrons toward the back. Carolina wolf spiders are not generally aggressive but will bite if cornered. The bite hurts but usually goes away on its own.
- Shore thin-legged Wolf Spiders (Pardosa milvina) are dark and have lighter stripes, speckles, or bands on them. They have long, spindly legs with spines on them. They are active during the day as well as the night. Their bite is venomous but is generally no more painful than a bee sting.
- Black Widow Spiders (Lactrodectus mactans) are a sleek black with a red hourglass on the bottom of the abdomen. This applies to adult females. The male and young black widow spiders are tan to grey with orange and white stripes on their abdomen. The female adult is about 1 ½ inches long, including legs. All black widow spiders have a venomous neurological poison in their bite, but the adult female injects the most venom. This venom can kill an adult. There is an antidote, but it is only available from a doctor or hospital and must be administered soon after the bite. Black widow spiders hide in crawl spaces, under appliances, and in any dark corner they can find.
Why That Spider Is In Your House
If you are seeing spiders in your house, you can be assured you have another pest problem and that is what the spiders are eating. Spiders, like all creatures, must eat to survive. If there is nothing to eat, they will leave of their own accord.
Preventing Spiders And Prey In Your House
The best way to keep spiders out of your house is to exclude them and their prey. This means…
- Seal all cracks and crevasses in the house, including around pipes, electrical wires, and cables.
- Make sure your screens are in good shape, with no holes in them, and make sure all windows have tight-fitting screens on them.
- Repair foundation damage that causes cracks in the walls as these can admit spiders.
- Keep the house and yard clean so it is harder for spiders to live in dark corners or in yard debris.
- Vacuum thoroughly and often and remove webs quickly.
Getting Rid Of Spiders Inside
If you have spiders inside, you have another pest inside providing the spider with food. Spiders are hard enough to get rid of, but two pests at the same time make it virtually impossible for a homeowner to get rid of both. Contact Ready Pest Solutions and we will get rid of all pests at the same time. We may even be able to come out on the same day. We can provide a one-time service or a quarterly service. The one-time service has a 30-day guarantee. If you are on the quarterly service plan and see pests again, we will come out immediately and get rid of them, at no additional charge. Call Ready Pest Solutions at (919) 762-3285 today to get rid of your spider, and any other pest, problem.